The AG-801 battery from Antigravity is a state of the art high-power lithium-ion battery. Lithium batteries are smaller and significantly lighter than conventional lead acid batteries and are safer and more environmentally friendly than other options. Unlike the previous EarthX batteries, the AG-801 does NOT have a battery management system, meaning that care must be taken not to over discharge the battery. If the battery reaches 10V or less, it can suffer permanent damage.
While it is possible to over-discharge the battery by repeatedly cranking the starter, it is more likely that over-discharge will occur as a result of the key being left on or over extended periods in storage. For this reason, it is imperative that care be taken that the key is turned to the OFF position when the bike is not running. Additionally, we recommend always storing your Janus with the battery on a smart tender with a dedicated lithium mode.
Battery Specifications
Maximum Voltage: 14.4 volts
Minimum Charged Voltage: 13.2 volts
Charged Resting Voltage: 13.2 volts – 13.7 volts
Minimum Voltage: 10 volts
Standard Charge Specifications: 2 amps @ 13.2 volts until the battery reaches a maximum voltage of 14.4 volts
Maximum Charge Specification: 5 amps @ 13.2-14.4V or until the battery registers 14.4 volts.
Battery Charging
If at any time the vehicle will not start, or the battery registers below 13.2V, using a smart charger with a dedicated lithium battery mode, charge it for the recommended time and charge rates shown below. The recommended charge rates are detailed in the specification section above. Never exceed the maximum charging amps for your battery. Lithium batteries have a low resistance to charge current and charge faster than conventional batteries.
This table shows typical charging times for your battery depending on charge rate:
Charging Amps Charging Time
1 AMP 4 hours
3 AMP 1.5 hours
5 AMP 45 minutes
NOTE: Do not charge the battery in temperatures above 140 degrees F, or in direct sunlight.
NOTE: When charging the battery, place it on a non-flammable surface, and remove any flammable items nearby.
NOTE: For maximum battery and vehicle starting system life, do not crank an engine for more than 5 seconds at a time.
WARNING: Do not attempt to start the motorcycle with a discharged battery. If your vehicle has trouble starting, check battery voltage and if necessary recharge the battery per Janus charging instructions found above.
WARNING: Lead acid chargers may charge at a higher or lower voltage than recommended for a lithium battery and will not shut off automatically. In some cases, your battery may be damaged, and it will not reach 100% capacity as it will with a smart charger with a dedicated lithium battery mode.
WARNING: Do not jump start your battery with a running vehicle. This may cause the battery to become overcharged.
WARNING: Do not short out the battery. A hard short will cause cell damage and in extreme cases melt down, rupture, or combustion.
WARNING: Do not charge the battery over 14.4 volts. Overcharging the battery may cause cell damage and in extreme cases melt down, rupture, or combustion. Lithium batteries will recharge very quickly compared to conventional lead-acid batteries.
WARNING: Never charge a faulty battery (a battery that will not accept a charge or hold a charge or a battery that is swollen in appearance).
WARNING: Never use the de-sulfate setting on your charger. Be sure the charger’s output voltage level does not exceed 15 volts. If the charger does not display the voltage reading, then use a voltmeter to check the voltage while charging.
WARNING: If the battery gets hot while charging, discontinue charging and use.
WARNING: Do not puncture, rupture, submerge in liquid, or expose to direct heat. Puncture, rupture, exposure to direct heat or submerging in liquid will damage the battery and in extreme cases cause melt down, rupture, or combustion, but you probably already knew that was a bad idea… Failure to follow these warnings may result in damage to the battery, damage to the vehicle, injury, or death.
If the vehicle is to be put in storage for an extended period of time, disconnect the battery cable to eliminate drain from the vehicle’s electrical system, or place the battery on a smart charger with a dedicated lithium battery mode. Antigravity batteries can be stored at temperatures between -30°F to +140°C